Secured Links

Safely share your files with others using Cove's secured links feature. With encrypted links and access control, you're always in control of who can access your data.

Bulk Upload

Easily transfer large volumes of documents securely with Cove's bulk upload feature. Our end-to-end encryption keeps your data protected at all times.

Get unlimited encrypted storage

Get ample space to store all your important files securely with Cove's cloud storage.No need to compromise on security for storage space.

Sync with Cove Identity App

Stay connected with your files and folders anytime, anywhere with Cove's seamless cloud storage integration. Access your data on-the-go and never miss an important update or file again.
Dashboard mockup
Sync, Save Time, Succeed

The Time Saved is the Time Earned

Syncing your Cove Web account with the Cove app allows you to easily access all your files and folders from any device. With this integration, you can save time and be more productive, ensuring that all your important data is always at your fingertips.

Cove Drive Accepts All Types of Files

No File Type Left Behind

Cove Drive takes the hassle out of sharing files by supporting a wide range of file formats, from images and videos to audio and ZIP files. With no file format restrictions to worry about, you can share any type of file with ease and get your work done faster.

Unlock a new level of productivity and security

Transform the way you store and access your files with Cove's advanced cloud storage solution. With our intuitive interface and lightning-fast performance, you can stay focused on your work and boost your productivity.
Hours / Month saved with Smart Tags
Dashboard mockup

Simple, transparent pricing

Choose a plan, that's right for you! 


For users getting started
Get 5GB of Encrypted Cloud Storage
No Ads (we hate them) 
Maximum File Upload Size -200 MB
Restricted File Types*
Restricted Bandwidth Limits
Restricted Active Web Sessions
Subscribe Now

Cove+ (500 GB)

Billed Monthly
save upto 35% OFF
Get 100 GB of Encrypted Cloud Storage
Maximum File Upload Size - 10GB
Supports all File Types
Higher Bandwidth Limits
Allows Multiple Active Web Sessions
Subscribe Now

Cove+ (1TB)

Billed Monthly
save upto 35% OFF
Get 100 GB of Encrypted Cloud Storage
Maximum File Upload Size - 10GB
Supports all File Types
Higher Bandwidth Limits
Allows Multiple Active Web Sessions
Subscribe Now

Cove Basic

For users getting started
For users getting started
Get 5GB of Encrypted Cloud Storage
No Ads (we hate them) 
Maximum File Upload Size - 200 MB
Restricted File Types*
Restricted Bandwidth Limits*
Restricted File Types*
Subscribe Now

Cove+ (500 GB)

billed yearly
Get upto 50% OFF
Get 500GB of Encrypted Cloud Storage
No Ads (we hate them)
Maximum File Upload Size - 10GB
No Restricted File Types
Higher Bandwidth Limits
Allows Multiple Active Web Sessions
Subscribe Now

Cove+ (1TB)

billed yearly
Get upto 50% OFF
Get 1TB of Encrypted Cloud Storage
No Ads (we hate them)
Maximum File Upload Size - 10GB
No Restricted File Types
Higher Bandwidth Limits
Allows Multiple Active Web Sessions
Subscribe Now

As a freelancer, I'm always on the go and need to access my files from multiple devices. Cove Drive has made it easy to stay organized and have all my files accessible from anywhere.

Rushabh Lalan
Founder - Marqueeting

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Is my data really safe with Cove Drive?
Absolutely! Cove Drive is designed with privacy and security in mind. Our end-to-end encryption and zero-knowledge infrastructure means that only you have access to your data.
What is your cancellation policy?
We recognise that circumstances may change. Therefore, you have the flexibility to cancel your plan at any time, and it will remain active until the end of your plan's duration.
What happens to my data if I cancel my Cove Drive subscription?
If you cancel your subscription, you will have a grace period of 30 Days to download your data before it is permanently deleted from our servers.
How Do I Get Support for My Cloud Storage Subscription?
Your Go-To Resources for Quick Solutions
We've curated a range of self-help resources to answer your queries efficiently:FAQs: For quick answers to common questions.

Blog: Tips and guides to make the most of our service.

Website: Place for Deeper insights and product updates.Most users find that these resources resolve their issues promptly.

Email Support: Limited but Focused
If you have a unique issue, you can reach out via email at Response times are within 24-72 business hours, as we offer minimal but focused email support.

No Phone Support
We're a fully digital service and do not offer telephonic support, focusing our efforts on enhancing online resources.
Maximize Your Email Query, When using email support:- Detail your issue clearly.

We're confident our self-help tools and email support will provide you with a smooth experience. Thank you for choosing our service!
Can I access my files on the go?
Absolutely! Cove Drive is integrated with Cove Identity mobile app that provides secure on-the-go access to your files, so you can access your data anytime, anywhere. Plus exciting more features to try.

Create your account today and get started now!